June 8, 2023
Becoming a Good Ancestor: Family, Joy, and Decolonization + Miyamoto Loretta Jensen, the Polynesian Genealogist

What does it mean to be a good ancestor? Why should we reckon with the horrible stories of our ancestors as well as the peaceful ones? How does colonization affect how we think about family, record histories, and relate to our relatives? Join Alyssa...
What does it mean to be a good ancestor? Why should we reckon with the horrible stories of our ancestors as well as the peaceful ones? How does colonization affect how we think about family, record histories, and relate to our relatives? Join Alyssa Calder Hulme and Miyamoto Loretta Jensen, the Polynesian Genealogist, in a chat about data sovereignty, cognitive dissonance, dreams, joys, pains, and healing.