Join us for a fantastic chat about ambitious friendship and the challenges and rewards found therein. We are all dealing with the fallout of Roe V. Wade being overturned - some are celebrating, others mourning. What does that mean for friends with...
When Jessica's now ex-husband came out to her years ago, she had no idea what life would bring. Fast forward a decade or so and today she does something most would think is impossible: she sees her ex daily and maintains a deep, intimate...
How do I set the tone for my marriage as an ambitious woman? What if I realize my ambitious nature long after my choice to marry my spouse? How is my partnership (or lack there of) effecting my self-perception? And how can I change that? What unique...
In this episode we celebrate Women's History Month by looking back into our own history and learning from other subversive women - specifically Susannah North Martin, convicted witch in Salem, MA in 1692. She was accused of being a witch 3 times in...
Explore how this ambitious woman intergrates her ambitions, career, travel and relationships with her children to create the life she loves. Meg has been traveling with her 4 kids and husband for over 2 years in a travel trailer, homeschooling from...
Ambitious women face unique challenges and choices in our relationships with others. But before we can face outward relationships, we have to face our relationship with self. "I feel like my entire life I have been this person yelling 'HELL YES!'...
What does it mean to be the lead in your own story? How do we take an active role in our lives? You are not meant to live for the comfort of other people. Build the story YOU want.