Granddaughter of a Salem Witch - 400 Years of Outspoken Women + Alyssa Calder Hulme

In this episode we celebrate Women's History Month by looking back into our own history and learning from other subversive women - specifically Susannah North Martin, convicted witch in Salem, MA in 1692. She was accused of being a witch 3 times in...
In this episode we celebrate Women's History Month by looking back into our own history and learning from other subversive women - specifically Susannah North Martin, convicted witch in Salem, MA in 1692. She was accused of being a witch 3 times in her life and was finally convicted at the age of 70. She is a direct ancestor of our host and a total badass by all accounts. We celebrate her legacy and ponder what legacy we are leaving for our children. This epsiode also celebrates the one year anniversary of the podcast.