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Inspiring and Entertaining
Alyssa interviews thoughtful women from different backgrounds to provide her listeners with a variety of perspectives on ambition. I enjoy the diversity of who she interviews and the different life stages people are in. There is something for everyone to be inspired by!

Connect with my ambition
Alyssa has developed an incredible message of female ambition through the women she interviews and the personal reflections she shares. Every time I listen, I gain valuable insight into my own ambition and how to integrate it peacefully and joyfully into my life. I now consider myself an incredibly ambitious woman! Alyssa and the women she interviews are inspiring and show me great examples of how to manage my life so that I can feed myself in all areas that are important to me, including my ambitious goals.

Fabulous podcast!
Yes yes yes! Love what you are doing here. Such a great positive podcast. Keep the episodes coming. Every woman needs to listen to this.

Such an Inspiring Podcast!!
This podcast is amazing! It’s so fun to listen to different takes on what ambition looks like for different people, and what builds it and what destroys it!! Alyssa is a great interviewer and helps you connect to the people on her show!! Check it out!!

Alyssa is a great example for her own podcast! She wanted to do a thing and she did it. She is inspiring and so good at pulling out the good and the interesting in the people she speaks with. Great job!

Great conversations about such important topics!
I love this, Alyssa! I am an ambitious woman. I’m a lawyer, law firm owner, wife and mom. I’m really enjoying listening to your first podcast episode with Sarah Hughes. These are such great conversations to have. Her definition of having it all as being present in her life resonates with me too. Also, your perspective of being selective about what we spend our time on so it’s the things we really want rather than what others want or what we think we should do, resonated with me too. I look forward to listening to more episodes!